

Unlike Debian’s apt, FreeBSD’s pkg system automatically updates itself with the latest information.

Find packages starting with “git” using pkg search:

pkg search ^git

Install a package with pkg install:

pkg install --yes <pkgname>

List all non-automatically installed packages with pkg query:

pkg query -e '%a=0' %o

Mark packages as automatically installed:

pkg set --automatic 1 <pkgname>

List files for a package:

pkg query '%Fp' python39-3.9.7

List a package’s dependencies:

# pkg query '%do %dv' emby-server
x11/libX11 1.7.2,1
x11-fonts/fontconfig 2.13.94_1,1
security/gnutls 3.6.16

List a package’s reverse dependencies:

# pkg query '%ro %rv' python39
databases/py-sqlite3 3.9.9_7
devel/py-setuptools 57.0.0

Find the package that installed a file (see if there’s a more efficient way? Actually this is quite fast anyway):

# pkg query '%o: %Fp' | grep /usr/local/bin/rsync
net/rsync: /usr/local/bin/rsync
net/rsync: /usr/local/bin/rsync-ssl

Upgrade a package, or all packages, with pkg-upgrade:

pkg upgrade <pkgname>
pkg upgrade    # upgrade all possible

Show message that a package would have printed after installation:

pkg query '%M' pkgname

Succeed if package is installed with pkg info:

pkg info --exists pkgname

Uninstall package with pkg delete:

pkg delete [--yes] pkgname

Remove packages that were installed by other packages that are no longer installed with pkg autoremove:

pkg autoremove [--yes]