
Middleware ordering

Middleware ordering docs

Re: whitenoise middleware: The WhiteNoise middleware should be placed directly after the Django SecurityMiddleware (if you are using it) and before all other middleware:

Mostly copy of the Django middleware docs (2.1):

Here are some hints about the ordering of various Django middleware classes:

  1. SecurityMiddleware

    It should go near the top of the list if you’re going to turn on the SSL redirect as that avoids running through a bunch of other unnecessary middleware.

  2. UpdateCacheMiddleware

    Before those that modify the Vary header (SessionMiddleware, GZipMiddleware, LocaleMiddleware).

  3. GZipMiddleware

    Before any middleware that may change or use the response body.

    After UpdateCacheMiddleware: Modifies Vary header.

  4. SessionMiddleware

    After UpdateCacheMiddleware: Modifies Vary header.

  5. ConditionalGetMiddleware

    Before any middleware that may change the response (it sets the ETag header).

    After GZipMiddleware so it won’t calculate an ETag header on gzipped contents.

  6. LocaleMiddleware

    One of the topmost, after SessionMiddleware (uses session data) and UpdateCacheMiddleware (modifies Vary header).

  7. CommonMiddleware

    Before any middleware that may change the response (it sets the Content-Length header). A middleware that appears before CommonMiddleware and changes the response must reset Content-Length.

    Close to the top: it redirects when APPEND_SLASH or PREPEND_WWW are set to True.

  8. CsrfViewMiddleware

    Before any view middleware that assumes that CSRF attacks have been dealt with.

    It must come after SessionMiddleware if you’re using CSRF_USE_SESSIONS.

  9. AuthenticationMiddleware

    After SessionMiddleware: uses session storage.

  10. MessageMiddleware

    After SessionMiddleware: can use session-based storage.

  11. FetchFromCacheMiddleware

    After any middleware that modifies the Vary header: that header is used to pick a value for the cache hash-key.

  12. FlatpageFallbackMiddleware

    Should be near the bottom as it’s a last-resort type of middleware.

  13. RedirectFallbackMiddleware

    Should be near the bottom as it’s a last-resort type of middleware.