

Restic is a backup system with the following features that I find useful:

  • Deduplicating, even across hosts (if you back them up into the same restic respository)

  • Compressing

  • Efficiently back up to repositories on other hosts

  • Can clone and efficiently push changes from one repository to another, rather than having to make the same backups to multiple places. (Kind of like git.)

  • Every backup is self-complete, but only changes are updated in the repository. Kind of like git commits, again.

  • You can prune some older backups selectively.

Backup plan

I have the following components in my backup plan:

  • Systems that need backing up

  • A local backup server

  • Some external drives

  • An internet storage service

I assign my files to three categories:

  • Must back up: keep 2 home backups plus one internet

  • Best effort backup: Keep 2 home backups

  • Not worth backing up

(Best effort files are primarily ripped from music and video discs. I could rip them again, but it’d be a lot of work. The files are very large relative to everything else I have to back up, so keeping off-site backups would cost a lot more than not doing so.)

The “must back up” files are backed up in 3 steps:

  • Back up from all hosts to a single restic repository on my backup server

  • Clone/sync that repository to an external drive

  • Clone/sync that repository to an internet site

The “best effort backup” files are backed up in 2 steps:

  • Backup from all hosts to a different restic repository on my backup server

  • Clone/sync that repository to an external drive

I rotate the external drives. At present, I have two, keeping one in the house attached to the backup server, and the second in the car where it’s hopefully save if something happens to the server or the whole house. I swap the drives once a month, and at the next sync, the one just moved into the house gets updated with the last month’s backups.

Setting up restic

Installing restic

Install restic on all the computers, both backup server and to be backed up computers.

To get the latest restic, go to and just download the latest binary for each architecture you need. (For most of my systems, the filename looks like restic_0.16.0_linux_amd64.bz2.)

I install it into /usr/local/bin.

If you want man pages, just run

If you want bash completion, just run

Setup the backup server

  • create a restic user (could be named anything).

  • create an ssh key pair for the restic user

  • copy the restic private key to the systems that will be doing backups (e.g. ~root/.ssh/id_ed25519_restic), being sure to set the permissions restrictively.

  • add a host entry to /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~root/.ssh/config on each file to be backed up, something like:

  • Create a directory, owned by restic, where the backup repositories will live. I’ll use /backups in my examples.

Create a repository

Like git, before you can start backing up files with restic, you need to initialize a repository for the backed-up files.

Repositories are encrypted, so hen you initialize a repository, you have to specify one or more passwords that can be used to access it. You can change these later as needed.


I find it simplest to put the password in my RESTIC_PASSWORD environment variable so I don’t have to worry about it. I’ll assume, in the rest of this, that the password is there.

Initializing a repository stored locally is pretty simple.

There are many, many ways to access remote repositories. See the documentation.

Create a repository to sync to

Copying backups from repository A to repository B works MUCH better if both repositories are using the same set of internal parameters. To arrange this, you can tell restic when creating repository B to use the parameters from repository A. That looks like this:

Backup to remote repository

This assumes the setup described above. Then to back up to our backup server from another system, we’d use a command something like this:

I usually add some additional options:


Note to myself: LOOK INTO using the restic server on the backup server instead of sftp.