Travis CI ========= .. contents:: Magic syntax to run tox tests with multiple Python versions (as of Nov 1, 2017 anyway):: # Use travis container-based build system for speed sudo: false # Ubuntu trusty (14.04) - latest that Travis offers dist: trusty # Make sure all the python versions we need are pre-installed # (apt-get is not available in the container-based build system) addons: apt: sources: - deadsnakes packages: - python2.7 - python3.4 - python3.5 - python3.6 language: python # The version of Python that'll be used to invoke tox. Has no effect # on what version of Python tox uses to run each set of tests. python: - "3.5" # Test a sampling of combinations env: - TOXENV=py27-1.7 - TOXENV=py27-1.8 - TOXENV=py27-1.10 - TOXENV=py27-1.11 - TOXENV=py34-1.7 - TOXENV=py34-1.8 - TOXENV=py34-1.11 - TOXENV=py35-1.9 - TOXENV=py35-1.10 - TOXENV=py35-1.11 - TOXENV=py36-1.8 - TOXENV=py36-1.10 - TOXENV=py36-1.11 install: - pip install tox script: - tox # #matrix: # allow_failures: # - env: TOXENV=py27-trunk,py33-trunk