Raspberry Pi ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 usbdrive .. contents:: Basic setup ----------- This assumes a headless install on a RPi. * Download and install `raspberry imager `_ * Run ``rpi-imager`` * Follow the instructions to put an OS image on your SD card. I installed Raspbian lite (no desktop). * Since I'm setting it up headless, there are a few more steps. `headless instructions `_ * Now mount the boot partition from the SD card (the smaller one). (e.g. insert SD card, run ``thunar`` or other file browser) * Create an empty file named ``ssh`` in the root of the boot partition. * If you need to connect now using wireless, create a ``wpa_supplicant.conf`` file in the root of the boot partition:: ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 country= network={ ssid="" psk="" } * Unmount * Put the SD card into the RPi. * If using wired ethernet, hook up the ethernet cable. If using a wifi dongle, insert it. * Plug in the power. * Wait a bit. Check your router admin to see what address it ended up at. On mine it came up as ``raspberrypi.mynet`` (.mynet is my local network domain). * ``ssh pi@raspberrypi.mynet``. Password is ``raspberry``. * Create a new user:: sudo adduser poirier * Set a password:: sudo passwd poirier * To enable sudo for the user, edit the ``sudoers`` file by running ``sudo visudo`` and add a line like ``poirier ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL`` * Log out * ``ssh poirier@raspberrypi.mynet`` * Delete the old ``pi`` user:: sudo deluser --remove-all-files pi