Let K8S access a private docker registry ---------------------------------------- (Note: it can be simpler to use a registry provided by your K8S host, e.g. Google's Container Registry.) https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ * Locally, "docker login" to your registry. * Optionally, edit ~/.docker/config.json to temporarily remove any information about registries other than the one you want to grant access to. * Run run "base64 -w0 <~/.docker/config.json" and save the output. * Define a secrets file like this, replacing the value of ".dockerconfigjson" with the output from the previous command:: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: registry-secret namespace: "{{ .Release.Name }}" data: .dockerconfigjson: "xxxx==" type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson * In your deployment, set "spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets" to ["registry-secret"].