Welcome to Dan's Cheat Sheets's documentation! ============================================== This information is primarily for my own use. Parts may be incomplete, out of date, or just mistaken. .. raw:: html

On Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@danpoirier

Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 android/index ansible/index aws/index beancount bootstrap browser_extensions cookiecutter debian denon diet django/index docker elasticsearch/index elixir esp2866 freebsd/index git go/index google gulp haproxy haskell i3 ipv6 javascript/index jira kobo kubernetes/index linux lirc lvm lxde logitech_harmony/index mercurial mikrotik_openwrt mpd mysql netgear_wndr_3800 nginx nixos/index openssl openwrt org-mode postfix postgres python/index raspberrypi/index release roku rst rsync salt shell socat sonos sso_magic systemd tasmota tmux travisci ubuntu unifi video virtualbox vue x11 yaml zfs Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`