.. index:: django; filtering and pagination .. index:: django; pagination and filtering Filtering and Pagination with Django ==================================== If you want to build a list page that allows filtering and pagination, you have to get a few separate things to work together. Django provides some tools for pagination, but the documentation doesn't tell us how to make that work with anything else. Similarly, django_filter makes it relatively easy to add filters to a view, but doesn't tell you how to add pagination (or other things) without breaking the filtering. The heart of the problem is that both features use query parameters, and we need to find a way to let each feature control its own query parameters without breaking the other one. Filters ------- Let's start with a review of filtering, with an example of how you might subclass ``ListView`` to add filtering. To make it filter the way you want, you need to create a subclass of `FilterSet `_ and set ``filterset_class`` to that class. (See that link for how to write a filterset.) .. code-block:: python class FilteredListView(ListView): filterset_class = None def get_queryset(self): # Get the queryset however you usually would. For example: queryset = super().get_queryset() # Then use the query parameters and the queryset to # instantiate a filterset and save it as an attribute # on the view instance for later. self.filterset = self.filterset_class(self.request.GET, queryset=queryset) # Return the filtered queryset return self.filterset.qs.distinct() def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # Pass the filterset to the template - it provides the form. context['filterset'] = self.filterset return context Here's an example of how you might create a concrete view to use it: .. code-block:: python class BookListView(FilteredListView): filterset_class = BookFilterset And here's part of the template that uses a form created by the filterset to let the user control the filtering. .. code-block:: django


{{ filterset.form.as_p }}
``filterset.form`` is a form that controls the filtering, so we just render that however we want and add a way to submit it. That's all you need to make a simple filtered view. Default values for filters -------------------------- I'm going to digress slightly here, and show a way to give filters default values, so when a user loads a page initially, for example, the items will be sorted with the most recent first. I couldn't find anything about this in the django_filter documentation, and it took me a while to figure out a good solution. To do this, I override ``__init__`` on my filter set and add default values to the data being passed: .. code-block:: python class BookFilterSet(django_filters.FilterSet): def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): data = data.copy() data.setdefault('format', 'paperback') data.setdefault('order', '-added') super().__init__(data, *args, **kwargs) I tried some other approaches, but this seemed to work out the simplest, in that it didn't break or complicate things anywhere else. Pagination ---------- Now let's review pagination in Django. Django's ``ListView`` has some built-in support for pagination, which is easy enough to enable: .. code-block:: python class BookListView(FilteredListView): paginate_by = 50 Once ``paginate_by`` is set to the number of items you want per page, ``object_list`` will contain only the items on the current page, and there will be some additional items in the context: paginator A `Paginator `_ object page_obj A `Page `_ object is_paginated True if there are pages We need to update the template so the user can control the pages. Let's start our template updates by just telling the user where we are: .. code-block:: django {% if is_paginated %} Page {{ page_obj.number }} of {{ paginator.num_pages }} {% endif %} To tell the view which page to display, we want to add a query parameter named ``page`` whose value is a page number. In the simplest case, we can just make a link with ``?page=N``, e.g.: .. code-block:: html Goto page 2 You can use the ``page_obj`` and ``paginator`` objects to build a full set of pagination links, but there's a problem we should solve first. Combining filtering and pagination ---------------------------------- Unfortunately, linking to pages as described above breaks filtering. More specifically, whenever you follow one of those links, the view will forget whatever filtering the user has applied, because that filtering is also controlled by query parameters, and these links don't include the filter's parameters. So if you're on a page ``https://example.com/objectlist/?type=paperback`` and then follow a page link, you'll end up at ``https://example.com/objectlist/?page=3`` when you wanted to be at ``https://example.com/objectlist/?type=paperback&page=3``. It would be nice if Django helped out with a way to build links that set one query parameter without losing the existing ones, but I found a nice example of a template tag `on StackOverflow `_ and modified it slightly into this custom template tag that helps with that: .. code-block:: python # /templatetags/my_tags.py from django import template register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def param_replace(context, **kwargs): """ Return encoded URL parameters that are the same as the current request's parameters, only with the specified GET parameters added or changed. It also removes any empty parameters to keep things neat, so you can remove a parm by setting it to ``""``. For example, if you're on the page ``/things/?with_frosting=true&page=5``, then Page 3 would expand to Page 3 Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22734695/next-and-before-links-for-a-django-paginated-query/22735278#22735278 """ d = context['request'].GET.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): d[k] = v for k in [k for k, v in d.items() if not v]: del d[k] return d.urlencode() Here's how you can use that template tag to build pagination links that preserve other query parameters used for things like filtering: .. code-block:: django {% load my_tags %} {% if is_paginated %} {% if page_obj.has_previous %} First {% if page_obj.previous_page_number != 1 %} Previous {% endif %} {% endif %} Page {{ page_obj.number }} of {{ paginator.num_pages }} {% if page_obj.has_next %} {% if page_obj.next_page_number != paginator.num_pages %} Next {% endif %} Last {% endif %}

Objects {{ page_obj.start_index }}—{{ page_obj.end_index }}

{% endif %} Now, if you're on a page like ``https://example.com/objectlist/?type=paperback&page=3``, the links will look like ``?type=paperback&page=2``, ``?type=paperback&page=4``, etc. Useful links ------------ * `django_filter `_ * `Django pagination `_ * `param_replace template tag `_ I haven't tried it, but if you need something more sophisticated for building these kinds of links, `django-qurl-templatetag `_ might be worth looking at.