USB drive with Raspberry PI =========================== Here are detailed steps to get a Raspberry PI running entirely off a USB drive (after booting from its SD card). Some sources: * Move root to USB drive: * UUIDs: Detailed log: * Start with 4 GB SD card * Copy 2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img onto it: sudo dd if=path/2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M * Partition USB drive: * Partition 1: system root: 16 GB * Partition 2: Swap: 1 GB * Partition 3: /usr/local: rest of drive * Format the partitions too (ext4) * sudo mkfs.ext3 -q -m 0 -L ROOT /dev/sdb1 * sudo mkswap -q -L SWAP120 /dev/sdb2 * sudo mkfs.ext3 -q -m 0 -L LOCAL /dev/sdb3 * Boot off 4 GB SD card * ssh to its IP address (get from router or whatever):: ssh pi@[IP ADDRESS] password: raspberry * Copy current root partition to USB drive (see blog post mentioned above to make sure you're using the right partitions):: sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p2 of=/dev/sda1 bs=4M * Resize:: sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sda1 sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1 * See what UUID it got:: $ sudo blkid /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1: UUID="9c7e2035-df9b-490b-977b-d60f2170889d" TYPE="ext4" * Mount:: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt * Edit config files and change current root partition to the new root UUID in fstab, and /dev/sda1 in cmdline.txt (cmdline.txt doesn't support UUID, darn) * `vi /mnt/etc/fstab`:: UUID=9c7e2035-df9b-490b-977b-d60f2170889d / ext4 defaults,noatime,async 0 1 * `vi /boot/cmdline.txt` ( * Umount /mnt:: sudo umount /mnt * Reboot and check things out Swap: * Format swap partition:: $ sudo mkswap -L swappart /dev/sda2 Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1048572 KiB LABEL=swappart, UUID=a471af01-938b-4ad0-8653-dafe211cdfba * Make sure it'll work:: sudo swapon -U a471af01-938b-4ad0-8653-dafe211cdfba free -h * Edit /etc/fstab, add at end:: UUID=a471af01-938b-4ad0-8653-dafe211cdfba swap swap defaults 0 0 * Remove the default 100M swap file:: sudo apt-get purge dphys-swapfile * reboot and check swap space again, should be 1 G (not 1.1 G) Now move /usr/local to the USB drive: * Format partition:: sudo mkfs.ext4 -L usr.local /dev/sda3 * Find out its UUID:: $ blkid /dev/sda3 /dev/sda3: LABEL="usr.local" UUID="3c6e0024-d0e4-412e-a4ab-35d7c9027070" TYPE="ext4" * Mount it temporarily on /mnt:: sudo mount UUID="3c6e0024-d0e4-412e-a4ab-35d7c9027070" /mnt * Copy the current /usr/local over there:: (cd /usr/local;sudo tar cf - .) | ( cd /mnt;sudo tar xf -) * Umount:: sudo umount /mnt * Remove files from /usr/local:: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/* * Edit /etc/fstab to mount /dev/sda3 on /usr/local at boot:: UUID=3c6e0024-d0e4-412e-a4ab-35d7c9027070 /usr/local ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1 * See if that works:: sudo mount -a df -h * reboot and make sure it works again