Variables ========= .. contents:: .. _variables: When/how variables are resolved ------------------------------- Here's my mental model of how this works in Ansible. I don't know for sure if it's right, but it seems to correspond with what I've seen so far. 1. When Ansible is reading in all your YAML files, it stores all the values as written - in other words, it does not apply Jinja templating or try to evaluate anything. 2. When Ansible needs the value of a variable, it does the following: 1. Starting with the highest precedence variables defined in the current context, Ansible looks for a definition for that variable. 2. The first one it finds, it stops. 3. It submits its value to Jinja to expand any templating in it. 4. It uses the result as the variable's value. Note that the most common time when Ansible needs to find the value of a variable is when Jinja is trying to expand a template, which Ansible never asks Jinja to do until the last possible moment. One useful implication is that you don't need to worry, when defining a variable, about referring to other variables that might not yet be defined. Ansible won't be trying to determine the value of your variable until after all the variable definitions have been stored and are available for lookups. Pre-defined variables --------------------- `Ansible defines some variables for you `_. These are not mentioned when you list Facts (see below) - go figure. ``inventory_hostname`` is the name of the current host as you've configured it in your Ansible inventory file, regardless of the system's actual hostname. If you have a long FQDN, ``inventory_hostname_short`` also contains the part up to the first period, without the rest of the domain. Variables --------- Some variables alter the behavior of ansible (see for a list). You can set some of these using environment variables (`ansible variables doc `_). CORRECTION: Use ``ansible_ssh_user``, not ``ansible_user``. Any of them can be used anywhere Jinja2 templating is in effect. Places to define variables: * inventory * playbook * included files and roles * local facts * ansible command line (``--extra-vars "foo=1 bar=2"`` or ``--extra-vars @filepath.json`` or ``--extra-vars @filepath.yml``) See also "Variable Precedence", a little farther down... .. _variables-file: Variables file -------------- A variables file (`doc `_) is a file that defines values of :ref:`variables`. Syntax YAML defining a single dictionary Templating The file does not appear to undergo template expansion, but the values of variables do?? .. _variables-files: Variables files ------------------- Ansible will look in :ref:`inventory-directory` and :ref:`playbook-directory` for directories named ``host_vars`` or ``group_vars``. Inside those directories, you can put a single :ref:`variables-file` with the same name as a host or group (respectively) and Ansible will use those :ref:`variables` definitions. Or a file named ``all`` that will be used for all hosts or groups. Or you can create a directory with the same name as a host or group and Ansible will use all the files in that directory as :ref:`variables-file` s. You can also include vars files from a :ref:`play` (`ansible variable files doc `_). .. _precedence: Variable precedence ------------------- `docs `_ From 2.0 on, from lowest priority to highest - in other words, if a variable is defined in two places, the place that's farther down in this list takes precedence. * role defaults [1] * inventory file or script group vars [2] * inventory group_vars/all [3] * playbook group_vars/all [3] * inventory group_vars/* [3] * playbook group_vars/* [3] * inventory file or script host vars [2] * inventory host_vars/* * playbook host_vars/* * host facts / cached set_facts [4] * inventory host_vars/* [3] * playbook host_vars/* [3] * host facts * play vars * play vars_prompt * play vars_files * role vars (defined in role/vars/main.yml) * block vars (only for tasks in block) * task vars (only for the task) * include_vars * set_facts / registered vars * role (and include_role) params * include params * extra vars (defined on command line with ``-e``, always win precedence) [1] Tasks in each role will see their own role’s defaults. Tasks defined outside of a role will see the last role’s defaults. [2] (1, 2) Variables defined in inventory file or provided by dynamic inventory. [3] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Includes vars added by ‘vars plugins’ as well as host_vars and group_vars which are added by the default vars plugin shipped with Ansible. [4] When created with set_facts’s cacheable option, variables will have the high precedence in the play, but will be the same as a host facts precedence when they come from the cache. .. _facts: Facts ----- Ansible automatically defines a whole bunch of variables with information about the system that it's running on (the system the plays and tasks are running on, not the system you're controlling ansible from). You can add to the facts with config files called local facts (`ansible local facts doc `_) though I don't know how that's any better than putting variables in all the other places you can set them... To see a list of all of the facts that are available about a machine, you can run the “setup” module as an ad-hoc action:: ansible -m setup hostname This will print out a dictionary of all of the facts that are available for that particular host. :ref:`facts_example` is an example from one of my machines. The Ansible docs randomly move their example of facts around from release to release, but as of Dec 2021, `the docs' example of Ansible facts is here `_. The top of the output will look like:: staging-web2 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [ "", "", "" ], "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [ Ignore the ``"ansible_facts"`` part of that. To reference any of these variable, start with the next level. E.g. ``{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[1] }}``. *ALTERNATIVELY*, you can access the same variables as items in the ``ansible_facts`` dictionary, only without the individual keys prefixed by ``ansible_`` (or so the docs say and this should work even if INJECT_FACTS_AS_VARS has been set False).