Roles ===== .. contents:: .. _role: Role ---- A role is a directory with specified contents. The role directory must be in one of the directories on the :ref:`roles-path` and its name is used to refer to the role elsewhere. `Complete list of possible keywords `_ Inside the role's top-level directory, you might see a tree like this (most of this is optional). defaults/main.yml variables within will be defined at the lowest priority (can be overridden by variables declared anywhere else, even inventory variables) files/ Any copy tasks can reference files in roles/x/files/ without having to path them relatively or absolutely Any script tasks can reference scripts in roles/x/files/ without having to path them relatively or absolutely handlers/main.yml handlers listed therein will be added to the play library/ modules here (directories) will be available in the role, and any roles called after this role meta/main.yml :ref:`role-dependencies-file` tasks/main.yml :ref:`tasks-file` Any include tasks can reference files in roles/x/tasks/ without having to path them relatively or absolutely templates/ Any template tasks can reference files in roles/x/templates/ without having to path them relatively or absolutely vars/main.yml variables listed therein will be added to the play. These override almost any other variables except those on the command line, so this is really better for the role's "constants" than variables :-) .. _role-dependencies-file: Role dependencies file ---------------------- Syntax YAML file Templating Jinja2 Contents A dictionary The role dependencies file defines what other roles this role depends on. Keys: dependencies A list of :ref:`dependency-dictionary` s allow-duplicates yes|no Defaults to no, preventing the same role from being listed as a dependency more than once. Set to yes if you want to list the same role with different variables. Example:: --- dependencies: - role: role1 - role: role2 varname: value .. _dependency-dictionary: Dependency dictionary --------------------- Required keys: role name of role, or quoted path to role file, or quoted repo URL: role: postgres role: '/path/to/common/roles/foo' role: 'git+,v1.1,foo' role: '/path/to/tar/file.tgz,,friendly-name' Optional keys: any parameters for the role - these define :ref:`variables` .. _role-modules: Embedding modules in roles --------------------------